(All rights reserved)
Instructions to Authors

Romanian Journal of Biochemistry, abbreviated Rom.J.Biochem., publishes original papers in all fields of biochemistry, provided that they describe significant contribution to biochemical knowledge. Review papers on current topics in biochemistry are also included. The journal accepts papers both in large format (4000 - 6000 words) and short communication format (~2000 words and 4 figures).

Romanian Journal of Biochemistry seeks for the highest scientific and ethical writing standards as defined by the US Office of Research Integrity (ORI). Authors are kindly invited to read carefully the ORI's Guide to Ethical Writing. As very frequently breaches to ethical writing is unintentional starting with 2013 Romanian Journal of Biochemistry decided to help and guide authors in this area during paper submission.

The manuscripts should be submitted online; or by post - on a CD together with two paper printouts - at the following adress:
    Editorial Office,
    Romanian Journal of Biochemistry,
    P. O. Box 2-2,
    011174 Bucharest 2,

Manuscripts should be written in MS Word 2003 or higher, fonts Times New Roman, font size 12, double spacing on one side of quatro paper.
Data impossible to include in the printed version of RJB such as films, large datasets, long alignments - may be also provided by the authors in separate files, and will form the Supplementary Data section of the Manuscript. These could be accessed through the on line version of paper.

The Manuscript should be structured as follows:
a) Page one, containing the Conformity Form, that can be download here
b) Page two, containing the:
        -b1)  Title of the paper;
        -b2)  Name of the authors (the full forename will be indicated);
        -b3)  Affiliation (the full address of the institution will be mentioned);
        -b4)  Contribution of each author to the paper (experiment, analysis, writing etc);
        -b5)  Abstract of the paper.
c) Text part comprising: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, References and Figure Caption.
The text must be clearly and concisely written, unnecessary repetition of data found in tables or figures should be avoided.
d) Graphic part consisting in Tables, Figures & Graphs.

Detailed description for Manuscript formating:

a) Page one:
a1) Title - should be informative and as short as possible. The font size is bold. Non-standard acronyms are not accepted.Length should be less than two lines.
a2) Authors & Affiliation - as described, numbered with superscript Arabic numbers. Authors' names should be written with diacritical marks. The corresponding autor should be marked with [*] superscript and his/her address should include the e-mail and phone/fax numbers.
a3) Abstract - as above. This should describe the major findings clearly, in no more than 300 words
a4) Keywords - no more than 5.
a5) Running Title - should be less than 50 characters including spaces. The running title will be used as a header.
b) Text Part:
b1) Introduction - presents the aim of the report and the relation of the results to earlier work in the field. This should not exceed one typed page.
b2) Material and Methods - should comprise a brief but complete description of procedures such that a qualified reader should be able to repeat the reported experiments. Only truly new procedures should be described in detail. Procedures described in the literature should be referenced. Modifications of usual procedures should be exactly mentioned to allow the repeat of work by others.
b3) Results - will describe the work in detail, but concise, and will be substantiated by content of the graphic section and of the additional data, if the case.
b4) Discussion - will concentrate on the interpretation of the data, on their connections with other reports and on their consequences. Please avoid redundacies with the content of the Results section.
b5) References. Within the text the references will be denoted in consecutive Arabic numbers, in round brackets. The numbering will be in the order in which they appear in the text. The references must comply to the following models:
1. Harada K, Okiyoneda T, Hashimoto Y, Ueno K, Nakamura K, Yamahira K, Sugahara T, Shuto T, Wada I, Suico MA, Kai H, Calreticulin negatively regulates the cell surface expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, J. Biol. Chem., 281, 12841-12848 (2006).
2. Stewart JM, The kinin system in inflammation, in: Proteases, Protease Inhibitors and Protease-Derived Peptides, Cheronis JC, Repine JE, eds, Birkhauser, Basel, 1993, pp 14-157.
All the authors of a reference must be listed. References "in pres" are not accepted.
b6) Figure Caption. Contains in order, the list of Figures numbered in Arabic [Figure 1., 2., ...] , each with a Legend that must be comprehensible without reference to the text.
b7) Nomenclature & Abbreviations. Compunds and conventions must comply to IUPAC and IUBMB recommendations. See for example ( &
Journal names are abbreviated according to PubMed (
Abbreviations used in the text must be defined in a single footnote inserted in the text immediately after the first abbreviation is cited.
Standard abbreviations such as ATP, NADH, DNA, or amino acids in proteins, need not be defined. Names of enzymes may be abbreviated only in common cases - such as for substrate derrived abbreviations, e.g. ATPase and RNase.
c) Graphic Part
c1) Tables - should be typed on separate sheets, numbered in Arabic and with a brief descriptive title.
c2) Figures - will be also drawn separately and they should be limited to a minimum. They can consist of one or several sub-figures, clearly designated by letters or numbers. Guidelines for preparing good quality figures may be found for example at the followin adress:

Letters, symbols and numbers in drawings and photos must be large enough to retain a minimum height of 1.5 mm after the appropriate reduction.

Figures will be numbered in Arabic as in the Figure Caption List. The approximate place of tables and figures must be indicated on the margin of the text.

Figures reproduced from other publications need proof of copyright permission.

Figures must be of publication quality resolution, 300dpi or higher in TIFF or EPS format. If Figures contain text, this has to be: explicit, clear - i.e. large enough, and reasonably even - i.e. not too many font types or large differences in size.